
A free solution to the GDPR and EU Cookie Laws

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GDPR consent is a lightweight JavaScript plugin based on Cookie Consent for alerting users about the privacy policy and the use of cookies within the website.

It is designed to help you comply with the EU Cookie Law and the GDPR.

Version 1.0

Version 1.0 is based on the Cookie consent version 3.0. Noticeable differences are as follows:

  • CSS development now done via SASS (scss).
  • Due to GDPR rules, Opt-out is not an option and so opt-out and the dismiss status are removed.
  • GDPR will add two cookies rather than the one that Cookie Consent would set. This is because for anonymous browsing under GDPR we have to record the version of the Ts & Cs. If the terms and conditions version changes then we will have to delete the cookies and ask for acceptance once again. The second cookies is used to store the accept privacy policy version to compare with the current version.

Please note that if you are to use the locations service within GDPR Consent, that you add the service as a data processor within your privacy notice.


Kris Gray - JavasScript
Alex Morley-Finch - JavaScript
Piiu Pilt - JavaScript
Oliver Emberton (@oliveremberton) - a couple of lines of CSS, maybe
David Ball (@drball) - CSS / themes
Adam Hutchinson (@adjohu) - JavaScript